What does libF2N2 stand for?
Feedforward Neural Network - FFNN, or more simply, F2N2. The lib prefix denotes a library, since libF2N2 cannot function by itself. -
Why only C++ and PHP?
These are the two languages I work in most often. Feel free to port to other languages, however. -
Anything interesting I can do with it?
I've used it for basic OCR in recognising the letters in online CAPTCHAs as a test, and it worked. I simply calculated the difference between the red, green and blue values of background and foreground pixels of each letter to generate a 14x14 matrix which was essentially an ASCII-art representation. I then fed the representation (as zeroes and ones) into a three-layer neural network. Each output neuron would represent a letter, so the output neuron with the strongest signal (i.e. largest value) would be taken as the neural net's guess at what the letter was. It achieved a fairly good accuracy (>95%) after around 100,000 rounds of training (it is after all a fairly big neural network). -
Can I join?
If you are interested in neural networks, have working knowledge of an object-oriented programming language, and have something to add (e.g. new ports or new features), drop me a line at .